Being an Executor with David Patkin – Part 3

Part 3 Jordan Vaka One final question around the role of the executor before we move on to the risks. Again, what happens if the executor disagrees with the wishes of the will maker? David Patkin Can’t. You can’t do that, because, remember, you’re standing in the shoes of the deceased person, and the whole […]
Being an Executor with David Patkin – Part 2

Part 2 David Patkin You’re on the hook. You get sued. And again, it’s not you personally, it’s you as the representative of the estate. So if you get sued, your house and your assets aren’t on the table. It’s only the assets of the estate that are on the table. But again, if you […]
Being an Executor with David Patkin – Part 1

Part 1 Jordan Vaka Hello and welcome back to Life, Loss & Legacy, a podcast from PlanningSolo to help people navigating those first few years after the loss of their partner. My name is Jordan Vaka. I’m an independent financial planner with PlanningSolo, and I’m happy to say that I’m joined today by a very […]
Estate Planning with Lucy Percy – Part 2

Part 2 Jordan Vaka It’s kind of been an evolutionary advice for us as well, is not taking things at face value so much anymore, but getting those primary and source documents. And it can, it adds a lot of friction to the process because we’re collecting a lot more data and information that […]
My Interview with Sallyanne Hartnell of Reflect Coaching

“Particularly if I’ve worked with a client to define their end goal, how do they want it to look in five- or 10-years’ time, if that’s communicated to a lawyer or to a legal team, the team knows that the outcome everybody’s working towards is a calm, amicable, relatively simple solution.”