Understanding Financial Advice for Widows: A Beginner’s Guide

No matter how long I’ve been an independent financial adviser, I still feel slightly crass discussing something as prosaic as ‘financial advice for widows’ in my writing. Part of that is my own hang-ups, but it’s also a reflection of the very simple reality that each person that has lost their spouse is experiencing their […]

Life, Loss & Legacy – Introduction

Welcome to Life, Loss & Legacy; a podcast series designed to help people navigating those first three years after the loss of their partner. As an independent financial adviser, I’ve been helping people walk the same path you’re on for long enough to know that this period of your life is likely to be filled […]

SMSF Scepticism – Part 2

My last post – SMSF Scepticism (Or What To Do With That Property) – captured some of my thoughts on the ever-rolling dirty snowball that is SMSFs, LRBAs and crummy investment properties. In my (misguided) attempt at balance, the second half of my post listed the positives of an SMSF. Well, there’ll be no such […]

SMSF Scepticism (Or, What Should You Do With That Property?)

What makes a good financial adviser? A simple question with many different answers. And different answers when you’re a widow navigating those first big financial decisions. But one characteristic I believe every good financial adviser holds is robust, professional scepticism. An ability to see through the marketing noise and cut to the only question that really […]

Well, What Do I Do Now?

You’ve woken up, a few weeks after the funeral. You don’t fill the kettle as high anymore, just enough for the tea you drink with your toast each morning. You sit at the bench, open your phone and start flicking through Facebook until the water boils. Out of the corner of your eye, you see […]

Life, Loss and Legacy

For most of the people we work with, the term ‘widow’ can be hard to get used to. Sometimes, it’s because the word sounds like it’s for people much older than they feel. For others, it’s because the word’s not big enough to encompass their experience, their past, their life – and their loss. It […]