Life in Transition – Navigating Rough Seas

I’m writing this aboard the Interislander ferry, travelling from New Zealand’s North Island to Picton, on the South Island.

Captive time like this tends to make my mind wander, and I’ve realized that the journey from north to south is quite an apt metaphor for those going through life’s big transitions.

You’re going from what was before, to the future – and having to navigate the often choppy, uncertain and windy conditions in between.

Those going through divorce – you’re leaving the certainty of what you knew before and
heading towards an unknown, unknowable even, future.

Those that have lost a loved one – your future has irretrievably changed and you can’t go back to the past.

Redundancy. Retirement. Critical Illness. Starting a family.

All of these huge moments in life involve a journey from Before to After, with a deep
channel of uncertainty in between.

Of course, the beginning and the end aren’t quite as important as the bit in between.

It’s the movement, the first step aboard to start the journey that makes it so critically

Which makes us, if you’d like, your crew, navigating through the weather, obstacles and conditions to take you to your destination.

We’ve been this way a few times, so we can use that experience to help make your journey as smooth as possible.

It won’t necessarily be smooth, but we know where we’re going and we’ll get you there.

If you’d like us to help you with your journey through the uncertainty, get in touch.

(This is an old post, re-posted from our blog at

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