How Long’s Your Grass?

I’ve been commuting to Melbourne a lot more lately, and my preferred method is the train. I’ll drive if need be, but hopping on the V-Line and taking that direct to Southern Cross is easier, faster and cheaper. It also lets me properly enjoy the view. It’s particularly nice for the first half an hour […]
5 Retirement Fears (That Might Be Holding You Back)

“OK – that’s understandable. Is there anything in particular that worries you about retirement?”
“Well” another pause, before she whispered, “what if I hate it?”.
A Financial Adviser’s Cheeky Secret

But there’s also a voice at the back of my head asking, every single time “what if this time is different?”. What if this is the time the market never recovers? What if this is the time we stumble into a depression? What if this is the time that proves all of my training wrong?
So Slack

I’ve been lazy. I’m going to start improving that.
Trusting Again

Like the hair on your head, you only tend to notice trust when it’s gone. But when it’s gone, it’s really gone.
Which makes being able to trust again a critical step on the road after divorce. Losing that ability, that willingness to trust makes everything incredibly difficult.