A divorce is one of the biggest emotional (and financial) storms you’ll ever experience: Cyclone Divorce.
It storms in, sweeps away most of what you knew and much of what you had planned.
Then it passes, leaving behind an almighty mess and concrete posts where your plans for the future used to be.
The good news is that those concrete posts aren’t going anywhere. And, once you’re done tidying up the mess and clearing the debris, they’ll be waiting for you to build upon.
These ‘stumps’ are the foundation for your new financial future.
You get to design it, you get to plan it, you get to build it, layer by layer, brick by brick.
And I’ve found that, despite the enormity of the project, the idea of being able to build that new future can be terribly exciting.
But working out where to start can be the tricky part. That’s where we come in.
Rebuilding After the Storm
After Cyclone Divorce has passed, many of the people I work with are stuck.
They find it hard to work out what to do next, what needs to be prioritised, where do they start.
How do they avoid making any mistakes, who do they trust, what if they go in the wrong direction?
This feeling of being stuck – and giving themselves permission to feel positive about the future – makes it incredibly hard for them just to get started again.
How We Help
Of course, our zone is all things financial, so the bigger priorities – their safety, the kids, getting a roof over their heads – come first.
But then, I like to start fairly small and focus on quick, simple wins. When everything’s been tidied up and things are a lot clearer, we can start thinking about the future again.
What do they want it to look like, what do they want to avoid?
What’s needed – and what’s not? Then we get to work in steering their financial ship into that direction.
In other words, ours is a fairly simple process:
1. Tidy.
2. Plan.
3. Do.
It’s easy to make money complicated – we work really hard to keep it as simple as possible.